Oregon Wheat Foundation Fights Hunger

By Oregon Wheat Foundation,

In 1997 the Oregon Wheat Foundation (OWF) launched the Bushels for Betsy project, a program that allows wheat producers to join the fight against hunger in Oregon. Oregon wheat producers generously contributed over 33,000 pounds of baking and/or pancake mix in its fi rst decade through this worthwhile program. Last year the Oregon Wheat Foundation collaborated with Farmers Ending Hunger on an innovative project to donate 90,000 pounds of pancake mix milled from 1,600 bushels of wheat to help the Oregon Food Bank Network fi ght hunger throughout Oregon and southwest Washington. Food Bank employees then packaged the mix into 3 lb. family-sized bags- enough to make 630,000 hearty breakfasts!

The Oregon Wheat Foundation Board of Directors has initiated a campaign for 2008 to acquire 9,500 bushels or 500,000 lbs of wheat (or equivalent cash) from growers to supply enough wheat for milling into fl our for baking mix. This would result in enough baking mix to supply the Oregon Food Bank for a full year.

Tom Winn, Chairman of the OWF, would like to challenge you, his fellow wheat producers, to contribute cash and/or wheat donations to help us hit this target of 9,500 bushels. We need your help! Please complete the form below and mail it to the OWGL office at 115 SE 8th St., Pendleton, OR 97801, or fax the form with your credit card information to 541-276-1723. You can also designate to the elevator the number of bushels you’d like to contribute when you sell your wheat.

If you have questions, or to contribute via phone, please call the OWGL offi ce at 541-276-7330.

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