Farm Bureau: Biofuel directive. EPA rulemaking plan.

Statement by Bob Stallman, President, American Farm Bureau Federation, Regarding President Obama’s Biofuel Directive and EPA Proposed Rulemaking

WASHINGTON, D.C., May 5, 2009 – “The American Farm Bureau Federation commends President Obama for his directive today to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to increase investment in the production of renewable fuels. The president’s commitment to renewable fuels will economically help rural America by producing more green jobs, while allowing the U.S. to become less dependent on foreign oil.

“Farmers and ranchers are at the forefront of producing clean, green, renewable energy. We support a comprehensive energy policy that creates a more diverse energy supply, including renewable sources such as ethanol, biodiesel, biomass and wind.

“In regard to the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed rulemaking on the Renewable Fuels Standard that was issued today, AFBF believes the most accurate science and reasonable interpretation of that science should be used to measure indirect land use. Currently, RFS direct emission calculations show that all renewable fuels meet the EPA’s proposed requirement. The way indirect land use is measured in this proposed rule is controversial and new, which highlights the need for sound science, reasonableness and common sense when making policy decisions. We will work with EPA toward this effort.”


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