General increase in Commodities for 2008
By Doris Christian,
Natural Resource Report Writer,
With only a few downturns in commodites such as Spearmint, Oregon growers have increased their crops overall. Such examples reported are: Winter Wheat up 18%; Spring Wheat 30% and Peppermint up 2%. Although potatoes fell slightly, the growers locked in a contract price which nearly doubled over 2008. Marion County leads in overall farm sales, followed by Clackamas and then Washington Counties. Led by the nursery industry at $998 million, there are eight commodities with values exceeding the $100 million mark this past year.
Oregon is identified as number one in the production of 12 commodities, most falling into the category of grass seed and cranberries. For many more commodities, Oregon is in the top ten of all states.
With its rich soil and unique climate, Oregon ranks high on the list as one of the most agriculturally diverse states in the US. This along with the ever increasing expertise of our growers with more than 225 commodities, the total production value reaching nearly $5 billion in 2008 is the highest ever.
Oregon’s agricultural reputation for high quality has gained notice in the marketplace reaching worldwide. According to Oregon’s Department of Agriculture, if not for our growers, some commodities just wouldn’t be available to the American or International consumer.
While agriculture is certainly Oregon’s Golden Goose regarding its economy, let’s not forget our state’s wide range of wildlife. Certainly, as hard times hover over us all, the skilled hunter and fisherman are sure to seek out and find their own bounty within our state’s borders.
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