Legislature tours Oregon. Will rural Oregon speak up?

Joint Ways & Means Committee takes it on the Road
By Oregonians for Food and Shelter,
Support OFS

If you are concerned about the funding of any state agency programs, it is urgent that you attend one of the following meetings to express your views.  An excellent example would be the OSU Statewide budgets (Extension, Experiment Station and Forest Research Lab).  This budget is in the Ways and Means Education subcommittee.  As we understand the situation, the Extension, Experiment Station and Forest Research Lab budgets are a very low priority to Committee members.  All state agencies have had to cut to the 30% level.

Do not worry if the program you care about the most is being cut, just know that there is a high probably that it is and attend the meeting closest to you.   Provide personal experiences and why the programs are important to you and you businesses!

Please feel free to contact any of the following people for assistance:

OFS – Paulette Pyle, cell: 503-559-1279 or Terry Witt, cell: 503-569-3300;
FARM BUREAU – Katie Fast, cell: 503-510-5293 or Shawn Cleave, cell: 503-507-3833;
OFIC –  Ray Wilkeson, cell: 503-580-1431 or Chris Jarmer, cell: 503-559-3755;
WATER RESOURCES CONGRESS – Kristina McNitt, cell: 503-559-9778 or Anita Winkler, cell: 503-701-9471;
WATER FOR LIFE: – Helen Moore, cell: 541-990-9147 or Richard Kosesan, cell:  503-871-3178;
OR CATTLEMEN: – Jim Welsh, cell:  541-554-8043
OAN – Jeff Stone, cell: 971-235-3868;
ASSOCIATED OREGON LOGGERS and OR SMALL WOODLANDS ASSN – Ralph Saperstein, cell: 503-544-0130;
OR SEED COUNCIL AND OR DAIRYMEN – Roger Beyer, cell: 503-519-5285
NW FOOD PROCESSORS ASSN – Calli Daly, cell: 503-572-6530 or Erica Hagedorn, cell: 503-544-8973

We would appreciate hearing from you should you attend any of these meetings.

Thank you!   Paulette Pyle and Terry Witt


The Oregon Legislature’s Joint Committee on Ways and Means will be holding a series of public hearings around Oregon to take public input on the proposed reduction lists of state agencies.  Members of the committee have indicated that public response to the proposed cuts will be vital to their decision-making process.  Lists of proposed cuts can be found at:  http://www.leg.state.or.us/comm/lfo/home.htm

Monday, April 20
Lincoln City Cultural Center
540 NE Hwy 101
Lincoln City
5:30 to 8 p.m.

Tuesday, April 21
Portland Community College -Cascade Campus
Auditorium, Moriority Building
705 N. Killingsworth Street
6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Thursday, April 23
Oregon State Capitol
Hearing Room F
900 Court Street NE
5:30 to 8 p.m.
Including Hood River via video link

Saturday, April 25
Pendleton Oregon National Guard Armory
2100 N.W. 56th Drive
10 a.m. to noon

Saturday, April 25
Ontario Treasure Valley Community College
650 College Boulevard
3 to 5 p.m. (Ontario time)

Wednesday, April 29
Central Oregon Community College, Bend
Cascades Hall Room 117
5:30 to 8 p.m.

Thursday, April 30
Southern Oregon University, Ashland
Rogue River Room
Stevenson Union
1250 Siskiyou Boulevard
5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Friday, May 1
University of Oregon, Eugene
Prince Lucien Campbell Hall (PLC 180)
1415 Kincaid Street
1 to 4 p.m.

Oregonians for Food and Shelter

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