Five lawmakers honored by Wheat Growers

Natural Resource Report,

Press release material below provided by Oregon Wheat Growers,

Senator Martha Schrader, (D) Canby; Senator Joanne Verger (D) Coos Bay; Senator David Nelson (R) Pendleton; Rep.Bruce Hanna (R) Roseburg; Rep. Mike Schaufler (D) Happy Valley;

Representative Schaufler was present to accept his award.  Representative Schaufler served on the House Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee; Transportation Committee; the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Transportation and Economic Development together with Chairing the Business and Labor Committee.

President Newtson was quoted, “This past Legislative year in Salem was more than a little challenging.  At times, the Natural Resource industries felt as though they were in the land of the giants and were somehow armed inadequately.  During this challenging time, we were fortunate to build some very strong working relationships with members of the Legislative body who pledged their support and willingness to help us navigate the session. It was because of these members’ willingness to be courageous, we recognize them as “Friends of Oregon Wheat”.”

Other Important Awards.

The Nominating Committee chaired by OWGL Immediate Past President, Kevin Porter, offered a slate of officers for 2010 as follows: Darren Padget, President; Craig Reeder, Vice President; Tyson Raymond, Secretary/Treasurer and Jeff Newtson, Immediate Past President. The members present at the Annual Meeting in Coeur d’Alene on Tuesday, December 1, unanimously accepted the proposed slate of officers and President Jeff Newtson swore the new officers in effective January 1, 2010.

Oregon Wheat Acknowledges Growers, Industry Representatives and Legislators for their Contributions

The Oregon Wheat Growers League leadership bestowed awards upon several individuals over the course of the Oregon/Idaho Grains Conference held in Coeur d’Alene this past week.

During the Annual Meeting, President Jeff Newtson, honored the following individuals:

Oregon Wheat Growers League Board members, Shannon Rust – Morrow County President (Outstanding County President), and Lisa Rietmann – Federal Programs/Transportation Committee Chair (Outstanding Committee Chair), were both acknowledged for their outstanding contributions during 2009.

Shannon has served the Oregon Wheat producers for a number of years and will continue her service in 2010.

Lisa was honored for her in-depth participation in the delivery and implementation of the new Farm Bill.  Her insights were instrumental in assuring the delivery of the programs was consistent with Congressional intent. The Oregon Wheat Growers League is appreciative of Shannon and Lisa and their selfless contribution to the industry.

During the Joint Awards Luncheon on Wednesday, December 2, the OWGL honored Dr. Jim Peterson, OSU Wheat Breeder, with the “Above and Beyond” Award for 2009.  Dr. Peterson was acknowledged for his continued commitment to yield and end use functionality, assuring the needs and expectations of both producer and buyer are factored in to the varieties he and his co-workers develop and release.

Karl Scronce, Past Klamath County President, Past OWGL President and Current NAWG President was honored as the Distinguished Service Award recipient for 2009. Karl’s many years of involvement and commitment to the important issues of Oregon and National wheat producers were mentioned as he received his award.

A second Distinguished Service Award recipient was announced, but unfortunately unable to join the festivities.  Dr. John Oades, retired Director of the U. S. Wheat Associates West Coast Office was honored.  Dr. Oades has served the wheat industry for 28 years and was instrumental in educating growers and industry in the benefits of managing and maintaining quality specifications in wheat shipments to add value for overseas customers.  Dr. Oades award will be presented to him at a later date.

The Awards luncheon was also a time for the industry to convey its appreciation to members of the Oregon State Legislature for their tireless service and courageous acts of support for the Natural Resource industries during the very difficult session earlier in the year.  The following legislators were awarded the inaugural “Friend of Oregon Wheat”:


More information on:

Oregon Wheat Growers League

Senator Martha Schrader, (D) Canby;
Senator Joanne Verger (D) Coos Bay;
Senator David Nelson (R) Pendleton;
Rep. Bruce Hanna (R) Roseburg;
Rep. Mike Schaufler (D) Happy Valley;

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