Chart: States on net cash income 2009

Chart from USDA Agricultural Income and Finance Situation and Outlook

Change in average net cash income by resource region, 2008

Excerpt: “There is considerable regional diversity in the farm business net cash income forecasts for 2009, which is due in large part to the geographic concentration of commodity production (fi g. 3.1). The Northern Crescent region, where dairy is the most prominent commodity, is forecast the have the largest decline in average net cash income at 32 percent. By contrast, average farm business net cash income is expected to increase by almost 9 percent in the Mississippi Portal, where poultry, cotton and rice, other fi eld crops, and specialty crops are the primary commodities. The Southern Seaboard region, where the relatively optimistic outlook for specialty crop, grain, and poultry farms offset the expected losses on hog farms, is also expected to have higher average net cash income in 2009. Most other regions of the country are expected to have average net cash income declines of less than 10 percent in 2009, with the exception being the Heartland, which has a forecast 14-percent decline.”

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