CEO position open for Oregon Wheat Growers League

CEO position open for Oregon Wheat Growers League
By Oregon Wheat Growers League

The Oregon Wheat Commission and Oregon Wheat Growers League are pleased to announce the position of Chief Executive Officer, Oregon Wheat. The industry is seeking a dynamic and proven Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to provide leadership, vision, focus, and unity to the Oregon wheat industry. The CEO will serve as the principal administrator of both the OWC and OWGL, operating under the direction of the OWC and the Board of Directors of the OWGL, respectively.

This concept was first recommended in 2008 by a task force created to take an in depth look at the industry organizations and recommend potential changes to maximize benefit to the growers. In October of 2010 the two groups voted to formally explore the concept and vet with the stakeholders. This announcement follows numerous stakeholder meetings and significant committee work to explore the details and prepare written information on the subject.

As part of the process, it was also decided that both the Portland office of the Oregon Wheat Commission and the Pendleton office of the Oregon Wheat Growers League would remain open. Leadership from both organizations also stressed the importance of both organizations maintaining their individual identity and purposes.

A search committee has been formed and the deadline for applications is March 31, 2011. Interested persons should send a cover letter, resume, and three references (electronic submissions preferred) to Sally Christensen ([email protected]), Oregon Wheat Growers League, 115 SE 8th Street, Pendleton, OR 97801, 541-276-7330.

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