Rep. Bruce Hanna Named “Most Valuable Legislator” by OFS
By Oregonians for Food and Shelter
(SALEM, OR) – Oregon House Co-Speaker Bruce Hanna (R-Roseburg) was named as the 2011 Session’s Most Valuable Legislator by Oregonians for Food and Shelter (OFS), a prominent statewide coalition of natural resource and agricultural based businesses in Oregon.
Throughout his legislative career, Representative Hanna has been a strong supporter of natural resource industries, championing legislation to encourage growth that can rebuild local economies. As a leader in the legislature, Co-Speaker Hanna is focused on finding collaborative solutions to issues facing the farming and forestry communities represented by OFS, and other businesses important to Oregon’s economy.
Eric Geyer, OFS Board of Directors 2012 Chair-elect and constituent in Hanna’s district, gave his representative high marks, “Representative Hanna not only gives special attention to issues of importance to voters in his district, but he understands how regulations impact business and the overall effect they can have on the big picture – Oregon’s general economy.” Geyer added, “I also appreciate his leadership and involvement in the Triangle Lake controversy over forestry use of herbicides, working to ensure government transparency and objectivity.”
OFS Director of Grass Roots and lobbyist Paulette Pyle believes that as a business owner Hanna truly understands the challenges faced by businesses across Oregon – as they try to remain profitable while meeting an employee payroll and complying with ever-increasing environmental regulations, fees and tax burdens. Pyle said, “Co-Speaker Hanna stays calm under pressure, putting his intelligence to work along with a strong resolve to do what is right for the State. The bottom line is he gets things done, and done fairly.”
Co-Speaker Hanna is in his fourth full term in the Oregon House of Representatives. His district is the fifth largest in the state of Oregon and covers rural Douglas and Lane Counties.
Co-Speaker Hanna’s report from his newsletter:
Honored as Oregonians for Food and Shelter’s 2011 “MVP”
Last week I was honored to receive an award as the MVP for the 2011 legislative session from Oregonians for Food and Shelter, an organization dedicated to helping the natural resource and agriculture industries in Oregon. I’d like to thank the organization for this honor. Natural resources are so important to this state and our economy, and I’ll continue to work hard in the legislature to help responsibly advance related industries.
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