Occupy Port Blockade Hurts Grass Seed Growers
Natural Resource News Note:
Occupy protestors recently headed to ports in California, Oregon, and Washington to disrupt commercial shipments, including Willamette Valley grass seed wholesalers and trucking companies. The Corvallis Gazette reported on this protest and how it impacted local grass seed farmers. According to one grass seed wholesaler who lost as much as $10,500 worth of business and wages due to the port blockade, the “occupiers are fast becoming the one percent, and the rest of us that are trying to make a living are becoming the 99 percent.”
Another player in the grass seed industry affected by Oregon’s port blockade expressed sympathy for the protestors’ displeasure with bank bailouts and corporate greed but said he’s not interested in helping them overturn America’s free market system.
— Click HERE to read the full article.
— Click Here to see video of the Port shutdown
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