Forests for Oregon publication goes online

Free forestry publication available online
By Oregon Department of Forestry

Oregon’s budget has necessitated cuts to a lot of programs – including some in forestry and the Oregon Department of Forestry’s flagship publication, Forests for Oregon – but the magazine-turned-newsletter is still available online, and it’s free. In print since 1930, Forests for Oregon was known as The Forest Log in its early years. It may be one of the state’s longest continuously printed publications. In more prosperous times, it was published six times per year, but over the years budget cuts have forced reductions to both its frequently and distribution.

Today, Forests for Oregon places its focus on forestry topics of interest to both family forestland owners (there are an estimated 65,000 family forestland owners in Oregon), and the general public.

Published quarterly, the short, pithy, full color four-page publication addresses a wide range of forestry-related topics, including:

– wildfire prevention and suppression
– wildland/urban interface
– reforestation
– fish and wildlife habitat restoration
– tax information and tax incentives
– forest health
– urban forestry topics including tree care
– a “Featured Tree” column geared for urbanites
– insects and disease
– workshops and special events
– legislative issues
– updates from the state forester.

Includes tips for small woodland owners

“Forests for Oregon is a great information tool for small woodland owners,” says Peter Daugherty, chief of ODF’s Private Forests Division. “It has evolved into a publication that offers tips to family forestland owners on a variety of topics – from reforestation to fire prevention – they may find informative and helpful.”

Forests for Oregon is free and available to subscribers online. Those who would like to receive the publication by mail may request so by calling 503-945-7421. First priority for print copies will be given to family forestland owners, Oregon libraries, and those without internet access.

How to sign up
If you, or someone you know, would like to be added to the mailing list, the process is easy. Just send an e-mail request, with the topic Forests for Oregon, to: [email protected]

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