Winning against Ag crime — 37 arrests

Northern California task force successful in fighting rural crime
By Oregon Family Farm Association

In recent months, investigations by the newly established Ag Theft Task Force of Yolo County have led to 37 arrests and the recovery of $170,000 worth of stolen agricultural property.

Yolo County Farm Bureau Executive Director Denise Sagara told AgAlert that the county task force “has been exceptionally effective and had some really impressive results.” For example, two task force deputies have solved seven hay theft cases, and last month they broke up a hay theft ring that had been operating in the county for two years.

“It is important for farmers and ranchers to identify equipment and property with an OAN [Owner-Applied Number system], and report crimes as they occur,” Sagara told AgAlert. When stolen property is found, the number allows law enforcement agencies to return the property to the owner no matter where it is found.

AgAlert reports that farmers and ranchers are pleased with the task force results. “Now that farmers see that people are going to jail and they are getting their equipment back, they are jazzed,” said Ag Theft Task Force Capt. Larry Cecchettini.

For the full story, see here

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