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Ag Alert: Enviro-Impact Statements & Pesticide bill

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Oregon-Farm-Bureau [5]TWO BILLS: Environment Impact Statements  (HB 2321) & Pesticide Reporting Bill (SB 800)

By Oregon Farm Bureau [6]

State of Oregon Environment Impact Statements

HB 2321 is a bill of great concern. If passed, this bill will require all executive branch agencies, “… in planning and in decision-making that may have an impact on the environment in Oregon” so to avoid any negative environmental impact. This means that all state agencies would have to create a report for all decisions they make and what the impact of the environment would be. If it is deemed that a negative environmental impact will result, the project or action will not continue.

This bill has great potential to stop many projects, in and outside, the farming community. This is a piece of legislation that must be stopped. Any kind of development would grind to a halt and further cripple Oregon’s struggling economy.

Bill Summary
HB 2321 – Requires agencies of executive department to take certain actions to protect environment. Allows associations and organizations to request contested case hearing on environmental impact statements.

Pesticide Reporting Bill
There is a pesticide reporting bill up for a public hearing on Wednesday, March 13 at 3:00 PM in HR C. SB 800 would require commercial and governmental pesticide applicators to report to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) when spraying on public lands. It also requires DEQ to make copies of reported information available to state agencies and local governments upon request. Allows department to charge reasonable fee for providing reported information.

This is part of an effort that wants to see tighter restrictions around the use of pesticides. The idea is to require more reporting so that it would be easier to locate areas where people complain about the use of pesticides. Your comments, either in writing or in person, are highly recommended.