By Oregonians for Food and Shelter [7]Updates on “Action Alert” Bills (you can find the status of all OFS bills of interest HERE [8])
SB 800 [9] – requires reporting of pesticide application to DEQ
Senate Bill 800 had a hearing in the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee on Monday, April 1st. OFS testified in opposition to the bill as it would add a new reporting requirement for commercial applicators. OFS’s written testimony can be seen HERE [10]. The bill is now scheduled for a Work Session on April 15th. We believe that the bill will not be moved forward in its current form, but will be amended to be a study on pesticide record keeping.
SB 633 [11] – seed preemption
Senate Bill 633 is the OFS backed bill on seed preemption. It would ensure that agricultural seed (including GE seed) is only regulated at the state or federal levels. This will prevent a patchwork of city and county regulations across the state. The bill had a hearing in the Senate Rural Communities and Economic Development Committee on April 12. John DiLorenzo testified in favor of the bill for OFS and his written testimony can be found HERE [12]. SB 633 will be scheduled for a Work Session next week and we expect the bill to move out of Committee and to the full Senate for a vote where we believe it will pass.
Support of OSU statewide – Ag Experiment Stations, Extension Service & Forest Research Lab
Last week we asked members to write to the Ways & Means subcommittee with support for OSU statewide funding. This is funding for the Ag Experiment Stations, Extension Service & Forest Research Lab. It is truly a “wait and see” scenario with the Ways & Means process right now so it will likely be towards the end of session before we know what the final budget numbers will look like.
HB 2319 [13], HB 2715 [14] & HB 2736 [15] – GE regulation bills
These three bills where heard in the House Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources on March 26. HB 2715 would explicitly allow counties to regulate GE crops, and HB 2319 & 2736 would add significant regulations on the planting of GE crops. OFS testified in opposition to all three bills, and our written testimony can be seen HERE. [16] On April 2 a Work Session was held and all three bills were moved to the Rules Committee without recommendation. A legislator workgroup has been created to work on these bills and OFS is working with Representatives from that group.
HB 3171 [17] – allows counties and cities to regulate pesticides in regards to potable water
House Bill 3171 was heard in the House Committee on Energy & Environment on March 21. OFS testified in opposition to the bill and our written testimony can be seen HERE [18]. As of today HB 3171 has not been scheduled for a Work Session.
HB 2532 [19], HB 2175 [20], HB 2530 [21] & HB 3177 [22] – labeling of GE ingredients, ban on importation of GE Salmon
House Bills 2532, 2175, 2530 & 3177 were heard in the House Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources on March 21. John DiLorenzo testified on behalf of OFS in opposition to all four bills. His written testimony can be found HERE. [23] As of today none of these bills have been scheduled for a Work Session, but a subsequent bill on banning GE salmon has been introduced (HB 3476 [24]) and assigned to the Rules Committee meaning it will not be subject to the legislative deadlines.