Ag Action Call over Columbia Basin plan


By Oregon Farm Bureau,

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Reclamation, and the Bonneville Power Administration have announced their intent to revisit the Columbia River System operations, including 14 different federal projects in the Columbia Basin. When completed, the plan will contain a range of alternatives to the management of the Columbia River System that could greatly impact the viability of the System. As part of the planning process, the agencies are soliciting public comment from stakeholders so that they can identify the important economic and social values of the Columbia River System.

It is imperative that agriculture make its voice heard in this process. The agencies need to hear from irrigators in the Columbia Basin, and farmers across the state, about how the Columbia River System and various federal projects in the Basin benefit Oregon’s agricultural economy. Whether it be the navigation, irrigation, or energy benefits the dams bring; the operation of the dams are critical to Oregon Ag.

In addition to sending written comments, please consider attending one of the three Oregon public comment sessions scheduled this December. Some groups are pushing hard for consideration of removal of dams, so we need farmers and ranchers out in full force to express how critical these system are to Oregon’s economy.

Meeting Dates & Locations
December 6th
The Columbia Gorge Discovery Center
River Gallery Room
5000 Discovery Drive
The Dalles, OR
4-7 p.m.

December 7th
Oregon Convention Center
777 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Portland, OR
4-7 p.m.

December 8th
The Loft at the Red Building
20 Basin St.
Astoria, OR
4-7 p.m.

Click here to send a letter to the agencies.

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