By Oregon Farm Bureau Federation
Oregon Farm Bureau Federation President Sharon Waterman witnessed the signing of the new Clean Water Rule at the EPA headquarters in Washington, D.C. today, along with presidents from other State Farm Bureaus from across the nation.
The following statement may be attributed to Oregon Farm Bureau Federation President Sharon Waterman:
“Oregon Farm Bureau applauds the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for listening to America’s farmers and ranchers and taking a step in the right direction with the new Clean Water Rule. We are reviewing how the new rule will work on the ground for farm and ranch families based in Oregon.
“Every day Oregon’s farmers and ranchers work very hard to maximize water efficiency and protect water quality because our livelihood and future depend on it, it’s the law, and it’s simply the right thing to do. We hope the new rule will give Oregon’s farmers and ranchers the ability to productively work the land without constant fear of litigation, costly permits, or risk of enormous fines for even basic farm practices.
“We are extremely proud of the many Oregon Farm Bureau members who helped in the years-long campaign beseeching the EPA to ‘Ditch the Rule.’ The 2015 Waters of the U.S. definition went far beyond the lawful bounds of the Clean Water Act, and Oregon farmers and ranchers explained how WOTUS was unworkable and impractical in meetings with national lawmakers and federal agency reps, in media interviews, in letters to the editor, and via social media.
“The fact that we have a new Clean Water Rule is a testament to the power of Farm Bureau’s grassroots membership.”
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