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Farmer concern: Regulatory EPA update

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By Oregonians for Food and Shelter,
EPA’s registration review process has ramped up lately, with a number of widely used products being proposed for restrictions. EPA recently issued a proposed decision for the herbicide diuron [6] that would terminate all uses on food and feed crops, non-food agricultural sites (e.g., ornamentals) and non-agricultural sites (e.g., rights-of-way, utilities, roadways) to mitigate dietary, ecological, and aggregate risks of concern to the general public identified during review.
OFS will be working with Dani Lightle [7] at Oregon State University to ensure that EPA has detailed data on usage, alternatives, and anticipated impacts to Oregon industries as they complete their decision-making. Comments will be accepted through June 27th, 2022. If you would like to submit information to be included in a detailed, statewide comment to EPA, please contact us at OFS, or contact Dani Lightle at Oregon State. If you would like to submit your own comments with usage and impacts information, you can do so here [8].