Legislative Ag update 6/2

By Oregonians for Food and Shelter

Legislators were back in the Capitol for quarterly “Legislative Days” this week. With the next session still over half a year away and many policy makers focused on the election cycle, the content was relatively light. On both the Senate and the House side, committees held informational hearings on the Governor’s “Call to Action” on water policy. There were also updates on the wildfire funding workgroup process and a variety of agency rulemakings that will impact the natural resource industry. An update on the Producer Responsibility Program (recycling), which OFS is engaged in, was postponed to September.


OFS has also been closely following the Governor’s proposed appointments to boards, commissions and agency jobs. Proposed appointments to Oregon’s Board of Forestry have garnered attention from environmental groups, legislators, and the media alike. We are pleased that the Governor is standing behind the appointment of Hampton Lumber General Counsel and VP, Heath Curtiss, to serve on the Board of Forestry. Meanwhile, many of our members and legislators on both sides of the aisle have expressed concerns over the appointment of Ivan Gall as the new Director for the Oregon Department of Water Resources. The Senate confirmed the slate of appointments today.

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