By Oregon State Representative Court Boice,
Are we prepared for the 2025 Fire Season?
Have we learned from the tragic 35-year California and Oregon Catastrophic Fire History? Most recent estimates are $150 BILLION to bring Los Angeles back and rebuild!
These fires are what happens when the Elite Progressive Ideologies take total precedence over all Else and everything we hold dear. Will we dramatically change course and immediately begin preparation for the greatest threat to our Public Safety? I offer the following solutions.
Stop the Radical Environmentalists Abuse of our Legal System – continual, ridiculous, and costly lawsuits compounded by Electing the wrong people, those who are often supported and funded by these elite Lawyers. Those legal firms get rich off suffering Oregonians and incinerated wildlife.
Block the Green New Economy – this climate religion and related emotional quests bring destruction and death – Characterizing Catastrophic Fires as normal instead of preventing as unacceptably abnormal – stop teaching our children to worship the Trees instead of fostering good stewardship and proper Public Lands Protection with Balanced Production.
A Moratorium on Dam and Reservoir Removals – These are vital for flood control and water conservation. We cannot allow the removal of more dams further eliminating critical water storage.
Expedite the Salvage of Burned Timber – due to Extreme Environmentalism these policies are the antithesis of sound Timber Management. When it finally sinks in that these valuable Oregonian assets are tragically being left on the stump – 96% wasted, the citizens will respond.
Remove Volatile Vegetation and Fire Fuels – wisely managed by Native Americans, Farmers and Ranchers for centuries, we know brush grows so fast in our Oregon climate. It’s simple – water, grazing and timber harvest are crucial tools for preventing Catastrophic Fires – the above have all been horribly hampered resulting in 35 years of burn disasters.
Common Sense Water Management – the Native Americans referred to water as the “first medicine” – We can’t accept water priorities disproportionately in favor of “Endangered” Species. Smart work will bring just results for all water users while putting Firefighting as the highest priority.
Stop Decommissioning Our Backcountry Roads – this is not only very expensive, but block access for Law Enforcement, Recreation, Timber Harvest and eliminates Safety Zones for Firefighters, and Wildlife.
Support Rural and Volunteer Firefighters – lack of support or at the very least anemic funding makes it more difficult to recruit and prioritize funding for these great teams. The RVFD heroes are quite often the first ones to these dangerous fires.
A Moratorium on Wilderness Areas and Reserves – These result in more ‘let it burn policies’ bringing our citizens more unhealthy and hazardous smoke, incinerates our wildlife, destroys our watersheds, compromises our rivers, cooks our soils, and endangers our fish recoveries.
Training More Firefighters at all levels – this critical shortage must be addressed immediately. Long term Career based employees – 50% for Firefighting and 50% for ground fuel management – a major part of the solutions to help mitigate Catastrophic Fires.
Engage Professional Foresters – Past and Present – Stop ignoring their historically proven expertise. Immediately pull them into the discussion. They will help with logical solutions including Sensible Controlled Burns, as we know can save lives, lands, and property.
Amend the Endangered Species Act – Threatened and Endangered vs. Humans Rights that are unacceptably taking a distant second! All bolstered by Unrealistic ‘Green Policies’ and the Climate Religion used as unrealistic leverage to make our Forests Political instead of Productive.
Bring Arsonists to Justice – Not enough focus, funding and personnel for the apprehension, arrests, and convictions of these criminals. They must know; we have the resources to find you and you will pay a tremendous price in proper punishment.
Reverse The Current State Forest Policies – Oregon simply must stand firm against the Federal mandates that are counter to workable solutions while demanding both governments return to Tribal and Private Timber consistent management success models.
Reverse the Oregon Habitat Conservation Plan – insanely designed for burning our forests instead of wise management, production and earning for all Oregonians and interests. back to basics: Mow the grass, clear the brush, graze the meadows, and harvest the timber.
Work to keep Oregon Fire Insurance Companies in Oregon – These companies are either excessively raising premiums or slowly removing their coverage in our state. The same that has happened (past tense) in California both before and after the current LA Fires. We must find solutions and demonstrate that Oregon is proactively implementing good solutions and work with them in preventing their Exodus.
Promote Economic Forest Values and Security – Reset the powerful Oregon History and Natural Resource Heritage. Teach our generations to follow the ‘Green Gold’ Renewable Timber Advantage that has been gifted from our Natural Resources.
In early December, I submitted and asked Governor Kotek to consider a 2025 Fire Emergency Declaration plan. She and her staff declined, however after the LA Nuclear Fire Tragedies, I will re-submit January 15th only 90 days before the 2025 Fire Season begins.
Will We Be Prepared and Will We Protect our Citizens in the months and years ahead?