
January 8, 2024 - Oregon Ag in the New Year

By Oregonians for Food and Shelter, The New Year is off to a fast start for the OFS team. This week we met with a range of our timber and ag partner organizations to share information on draft bills and concepts that we are aware of, and start prioritizing work […]

January 4, 2024 - AFRC on USFS Notice of Intent on Old-Growth Forests

By American Forest Resource Council American Forest Resource Council President Travis Joseph had the following to say regarding the U.S. Forest Service’s Notice of Intent (NOI) on Old Growth forests: “The American Forest Resource Council is reviewing the Forest Service’s NOI and will submit substantive comments. On the surface, however, […]

January 1, 2024 - SCOTUS Delivers Private Property Rights Victory

SCOTUS Delivers Private Property Rights Victory in Tyler v. Hennepin County December 11, 2023 By Oregon Property Owners Association, In 2015, a 94-year old grandmother named Geraldine Tyler found herself in a situation that many elderly Americans find themselves in – unable to pay their property taxes. Geraldine had an […]

December 26, 2023 - Farmers, ranchers oppose the Estate Tax

By American Farm Bureau, The estate tax is back in conversations across Washington, D.C. Chad Smith has more on opposition to the so-called ‘death tax.’ Smith: The American Farm Bureau Federation was part of a letter to Congress expressing opposition to the estate tax. Dustin Sherer, director of government affairs […]

December 20, 2023 - Members of Congress, national groups support Supreme Ct review of O&C lands case

By American Forest Resource Council The American Forest Resource Council (AFRC) announced today that 29 members of the U.S. Congress and six organizations have filed amicus curiae briefs in support of AFRC’s and the Association of O&C Counties’ (AOCC) joint petition for a writ of certiorari with the U.S. Supreme […]

December 18, 2023 - PacifiCorp has agreed to pay $299 million

By Oregon Small Business Association Foundation, PacifiCorp has agreed to pay $299 million to settle lawsuits stemming from the Labor Day 2020 Archie Creek fire in Douglas County, according to the Portland Business Journal. The 463 plaintiffs blamed Oregon’s second-largest utility for the fire. Lawsuits from property owners and residents […]

December 13, 2023 - EPA Moves to Freeze Cases Challenging Diesel Truck Phase-Out

By Oregon Family Farm Association, California-led, and expected to be followed by Washington and Oregon, farmers and motorists on the west coast have been bracing for a 2036 ban on new diesel and heavy-duty trucks. Two prominent cases challenging the phase-out are Ohio v EPA and Texas v EPA. The […]

December 10, 2023 - Ag regulatory update

By Oregonians for Food and Shelter, Last week, OFS convened the last of four meetings between members of Marion County Farm Bureau and staff from the Pesticide Program at Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA). Marion County members initially brought up a variety of concerns around the pesticide investigation process and […]

December 6, 2023 - Oregon Century Farm & Ranch Program Awards 11 Farms & Ranches

By Oregon Farm Bureau, Last August, Oregon’s Century Farm & Ranch Program, which is administered through the Oregon Farm Bureau Foundation for Education, honored a total of eleven farm and ranches at the Oregon State Fair. Five farms and ranches were honored as a Century Farm or Ranch and six […]

December 4, 2023 - Banning new gas stations part of new focus

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Foundation Finding a place to pump gas in Eugene may be harder in the future if the Eugene City Council sides with activists and bans construction of new stations as a means to curb the use of fossil fuels, according to OPB. The city has […]