
September 1, 2022 - USDA Predicts Higher Farm Profits for 2022

By American Farm Bureau Federation, The Department of Agriculture Thursday updated net farm income projections for 2022. Micheal Clements shares the details. Clements: USDA’s Economic Research Service released its September 2022 Farm Income Forecast Thursday. American Farm Bureau Federation Economist Bernt Nelson says USDA revised farm income to be higher. […]

August 30, 2022 - Mental health resources for Oregon farmers

Tayleranne Gillespie, Wayfinder Communications (originally published in Oregon Wheat) Farmers nationwide face increased challenges year after year. From increased fuel costs, changing weather, and logistical issues, there are constantly new obstacles to overcome. But one thing that often goes overlooked and unaddressed is mental health. A 2020 report from the […]

August 29, 2022 - Natural Gas rates might increase 16% to 36%

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Foundation, People using natural gas in Oregon may see their rates increase by double digits—between 16 percent and 36 percent—if three private companies distributing their fuel receive approval from the Public Utility Commission, according to the Portland Business Journal. The investor-owned companies citing higher wholesale […]

August 26, 2022 - Court grants Ag coalition intervention in gray wolf case

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) and Public Lands Council (PLC) and other agriculture coalition members commended a decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit that will allow the coalition to intervene in the case Defenders of Wildlife v. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and defend […]

August 23, 2022 - Anxiety grows over Colorado River crisis

By Christine Souza California Farm Bureau Federation Photo: Farmland is fallowed in the Imperial Valley. Farmers in the region have dramatically increased water conservation measures in recent years. Many have had to stop irrigating some crops due to water shortages. Imperial Valley farmers who have senior water rights on the […]

August 21, 2022 - Testifying against Ag fee increase

By Oregonians for Food and Shelter OFS testified in opposition to the Oregon Department of Agriculture’s (ODA) proposed pesticide registration fee increase. OFS also partnered with Oregon Farm Bureau to deliver testimony to the Board of Agriculture regarding ODA’s fee-funded programs including the proposed fee increase and objections to the […]

August 18, 2022 - AFBF study shows drought farmer impact

By American Farm Bureau Federation, With over 60% of the American West, Southwest and Central Plains categorized as D3 (severe) drought or higher, AFBF conducted a third round of its survey to evaluate drought’s continued impact on farm and ranch businesses. A summary of June 2021 survey results can be […]

August 17, 2022 - Bad fishery report = sanctioned OSU professor

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Foundation, The National Academy of Sciences has retracted a paper edited by Oregon State University Professor Jane Lubchenco who also serves as a White House advisor on climate issues. The National Academy of Sciences additionally barred from the organization. The science group blasted her report […]

August 15, 2022 - Oregon’s 4th bird flu outbreak

By Oregon Family Farm Association, State and federal agricultural officials confirmed a fourth outbreak of bird flu in backyard flocks in Deschutes County, bringing to 980 the number of birds euthanized to curb the spread of the avian influenza disease, according to the Oregon Capital Chronicle. Among those birds are […]

August 12, 2022 - Farm Bill Perspectives, Part 1: Importance of the Safety Net

By American Farm Bureau Federation, As lawmakers prepare to write the next farm bill, the American Farm Bureau Federation is sharing stories of its importance to agriculture. Micheal Clements shares more on how the safety net included in the farm bill keeps farmers farming. Clements: The importance of the farm […]